Mineral Cleansing Tonic for oily skin enriched with Chamomilla Recutita
250 ml
A gentle toner created to soothe, soften and hydrate skin. Firms and nourishes as cleanses, it tightens pores, normalizes surface oils, and promotes a matte appearance. Contains chamomile extract, aloe vera juice and Dead Sea Minerals.
Active ingredients:
Active ingredients:
- Chamomile - for moisturizing, softening, soothing anti-inflammatory, lifting effects
- Lactic Acid - helps to remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, help reduce the appearance of fine lines, irregular pigmentation and dark spots over time
- Dead Sea Minerals - contain essential minerals for the skin, reduce wrinkles, reduce inflammation in atopic dry skin, improves skin barrier function and enhance skin hydration, slow skin aging balances, skin moisturizer, vital in assisting cells to absorbed nourishment, reduces skin impurities, helps treat acne, help to regulate acell growth and regeneration, stimulate collagen and elastin synthesis
- Aloe Vera - Improves the healing process of the skin, helps improve the appearance of acne-prone skins, provides vitamins, mineral salts and amino acids, makesrefreshing effect, enhances the appearance of dry or damaged skin by reducing flaking and restoring suppleness